Licenced anglers, get a FREE one-day fishing licence to share your love of fishing with a friend
to the Take a Friend Fishing initiative
A fantastic opportunity to experience angling! Get together with a friend or family member to go on a fishing trip and start a new hobby. It’s the ideal way to relax, enjoy nature and the great outdoors together.
Take a Friend Fishing is an initiative brought to you by Angling Trades Association and Environment Agency. It is designed to give more people the chance to give fishing a try by allowing a licenced angler to take a unlicenced angler fishing for a specified day*
National Fishing Month
Christmas 2024 and Spring 2025
*Registration is required for TAFF campaign. Only available during a registration window. The named unlicenced angler must be be accompanied by the named licenced angler on the date the licence states. The one-day licence must be with you on the day for checking and all information must be correct. No alterations are allowed – please re-register if any details are incorrect. Licenced angler can only take the same unlicenced angler fishing on a TAFF one-day licence three days a year (one licence per day).
Anglers should be proud that just last year, over 6,000 people went fishing together – this year let’s make Take a Friend Fishing even bigger and better”.
Head of TAFF Initiative & Chairman of ATA, Andrew Race
Campaign Partners
Our Supporters
Our Sponsors
Find a Fishery
Take a Friend Fishing one-day licence only includes the licence to hold and use a rod, but not where – you’ll need to take care of that! You must check the rod licence rules and local byelaws at before you go fishing.
There are loads of fisheries, lakes and canals open all over the country that are perfect to visit and share with a friend. Just make sure you have permission to do so!
Note: Make sure you check for close season for coarse fish on rivers – see our FAQs
If you need help finding somewhere near you to Take a Friend Fishing, our Regional Participation Team are available to help you find the perfect place to fish.
Club, Fishery or Trade? Get Involved!
If your club, fishery or shop want to get involved and share an offer for one-day Take a Friend Fishing licence holders, get in touch!
& Help
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section for help. But for other enquiries please visit our contact page below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about the Take a Friend Fishing campaign and guidance on registering. If you need more assistance go to our contact page.
Have you heard about our other initiative National Fishing Month?
During National Fishing Month each Summer there are loads of fishing events going on across the UK. Events covering coarse, game and sea angling will be available for anglers of all ages and abilities. Give fishing a try and ignite your passion for angling this summer!